Monday, November 24, 2008

boys will be boys...

So because I am lucky enough to only work part time, Tyson here goes to daycare about 2 days a week or stays home with Jason when I am working a weekend. Now the nice people at daycare give me a written report of how the day went but I often wonder what goes on during those boys only weekends. Apparently Jason takes just as many pictures as I do because these are all from him. I don't discourage it because it can be a nice journal of the days events. I don't know what Jason is doing to make Tyson smile so big but honestly I'm distracted by his giant, still bald head. 
They must have played a rousing game of peek-a-boo.

and perhaps a game of dress-up (Jason mistakenly put on a 3-6 month sleeper and couldn't even button it. We've been out of that size for quite sometime. I guess I didn't clean his drawers out very well). 
With a photo shoot to end the day.
I think he's practicing poses for his senior portraits.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

the games we play...

So here is a picture of one of Tyson's toys that he really enjoys but truth be told, it completely creeps me out. The bears face lights up and giggles with each kick. It brings back memories of being pressured to watch Chuckie (that crazy possessed doll) movies (I don't do scary) as a child (okay, 16 year old). 
Anyway, now that Tyson is getting a little older, he can sit up for a very short period of time before tipping over (sideways usually). This expands our toy options exponentially...though he still seems to gravitate towards that darn bear. 
 I've noticed lately that when the little mr. gets tired, instead of toppling over, he braces his head against the toy to keep himself upright.

Here's an inside shot of Peanut trying to keep himself from falling over. What a smart little bugger.
We also have some quality tummy time with the duck...a repeat picture I realize but I could not for the life of me figure out how to delete the pic once it was up here.
and try really hard to crawl. So far he just cannot get that belly off the ground.
Peek-a-boo is also a big hit in our household these days. It can lead to a major case of the giggles...for everyone that is involved. Basically, this entry sums up the fact that Tyson is so much more interactive and playful...and oodles more fun than that screaming little ball I used to know and love. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here's Johnny!

The exciting news from our house these days is the purchase of a Johnny Jump up. I found someone selling them on craigslist for $3 a piece so I thought I'd give it a shot since my parents and aunts/uncles (basically everyone from one generation above me) swears by these things.
At first he was a little hesitant and spent a lot of time marching around (at least that's what it looked like. It sort of resembled a cat or dog experiencing snow for the first time, lifting one leg at a time up really high because they don't know what's going on). 
But he's slowly figuring out that he can jump to his hearts content. He also enjoys turning in circles. The darn thing is super tangled everytime he comes out of it but it's all in good fun.
Wow, everything looks so different when I'm upright!!

two of his favorite activities...playing in the jump-up and chewing on stuff.
All in all, we are very, very excited to have something new to add to the usual toy rotation. Tyson is good in this thing for at least 15-20 minutes...a record in our household.
Best 3 bucks I ever spent.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the random faces of Tyson...

Tyson's shy face.
Tyson's mad but compliant face. We get this look everytime he gets put in his carseat....after the initial wrangling is complete.
I can't even explain this one...Tyson's thinking face???
Tyson's scared face.
To give this picture a little background...we were once again amazed at how quickly he grows out of things (I know it's no surprise to other parents but we're new so give us a break). Anyway, this onesie looked like a muscle tee so Jason decided to make Tyson show his muscles. As you can see, it didn't really work. Instead of looking tough, he just looks like someone is trying to mug him.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

fun in Wisconsin

a couple of weeks ago we were invited to my friend Dawn's house for her annual "swear jar party." It all started when Dawn decided she was going to clean up her language so she made herself (and others around her) pay a fine for cursing. That led to having enough funds to throw a large get together that was a she decided to make it an annual event. At the beginning of the night, Tyson was looking kind of worn out. 
so we gave him some Mt. Dew to pep him any good parents would.
After that he became the life of the party...and decided it would be a good idea to ride Dawn's giant dog Daytona. I hope this is no indication of a possible wild future ahead of him.
This is Dawn's basement...which they basically renovated to look like a bar. It has a TV to watch 'the big game' on, slot machines and even a cash register (though I'm not sure why since she doesn't charge anything). 
It also comes complete with karaoke equipment...cuz what's a party without a little karaoke?
My friends (who also happen to be sisters) Katie and Erin decided they needed to be on my camera, with Dawn (the owner of the place) poking through in the background. All in all, it was a pretty good night....and I was still in bed before 10pm. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween...sort of

I absolutely love Halloween so I was very excited to do some costume shopping for the baby. We were originally thinking a turtle (when he gets curious about something he extends his neck as far as he can...very turtle like) but I found this great pony costume instead. 
At daycare, they dressed the kids up and paraded them around at the retirement home next door and when I got home from work I decided to play dress up again. 

That's honestly about all we did for Halloween. He was so exhausted by the time I came home from work he was almost begging to be put to bed...and I was so exhausted from work I was happy to oblige. I was a little worried that all of the trick-or-treaters would wake him up but he slept through everything. Maybe next year we can keep him awake long enough to go out...maybe:) 
We also had a little Devil sweatsuit that I got at a garage sale this summer...but I decided it can be used on any day, not just halloween so I put him in it to run errands....
and I wore him out. I think he must be hitting a growth spurt because this kid does not fall asleep in his carseat...and that's the second time he's done that in a couple of days!