For most of his life, Tyson has gone to daycare two days a week. The teachers at this place have had Tyson painting/drawing since he was an infant so every week I have a new pile of stuff to go through. Usually it's just a bunch of scribbles but recently, his drawings have started to take the shape of things that can sometimes be identified. Last week I stumbled upon these...
Me: "um, Jason what do you think this is? Is this a...oh my god is this a girl in a bikini?...or a naked girl? Next to a giant tentacle-less jelly fish?"
Jason: "Really hon? Do you think perhaps you're overreacting a little bit?" (looks at the drawing) "...huh."

Me: "No you're right, I'm probably exaggerating. On to the next one."

Totally normal. Seriously, I know it's hard to believe but it is. He is where he should be developmentally for drawings. Check out this link
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