Because we weren't busy or stressed out enough over the holidays, we decided to make an appearance at Tyson's daycare festival the week before Christmas. Even though it's a great fundraiser and super fun for the kids, we probably would've skipped the whole thing if it wasn't for a little boy's excitement over a cameo appearance by Santa himself. At first Tyson was kind of scared to sit on Santa's lap but Jason, myself and the elf photographer that quietly claimed to be the wife of St Nick (Santa is a polygamist I guess) convinced Tyson that is was a perfectly safe place to be.
...and a week later we were presented with this picture.

I have titled this photo 'heebeejeebees' because that's what this crazy eyed Santa has given me.
Luckily we had Nolan with us. He immediately engaged in a staring contest which seemed to keep Mr. McCreepy in line.

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