Tyson was originally going to be a tiny little ring bearer....my mom even sewed him a bib with a tie on it so he would be dressed properly (see his tiny little flower?) Jason was going to carry him up and hold him during the ceremony.
He looks a little nervous huh? We ended up not having him directly in the ceremony as it was happening right during his fussy time and I thought it had the potential to be trouble. I also had this image of him starting to poop (he always makes a huge production out of it...grunting, turning red...it can last quite awhile) in the middle of the vows and disrupting the whole wedding. Luckily my parents were there to help and he behaved himself for them.
Our attempt at a family picture.
The bride and groom (Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Flo) with Tyson.
That bib is fatastic.
I would have to agree with the person above, gradma is so crafty!!
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