I know I posted the fact that I am on a bowling league. When I found out it was cheaper to buy shoes than to rent every week it was off to the internet I went. I had to find the coolest/girliest bowling shoes around...and I think I succeeded. I'm told these will even glow in the dark (when I will need to use this feature I'm not sure). In the words of my friends niece..."I grew up to be so cool."

And here I am wearing the shoes!...awful picture of me but I had to post it.
PS-I am also excited because I am wearing my pre-preggo jeans here....one of the pair that fits anyway.

I was picking up my friend Katie to head to bowling and her nephews were at her house playing. Caleb here proudly declared that he picked out his own clothes that day...though the clip on tie/t-shirt combo kind of tipped me off:)

So I added a couple of pictures of the baby since he's the real reason people check this blog...I aim to please:)

Sometimes he can't quite find his fingers...luckily his wrist seems to satisfy him equally.
LOVE the shoes!!! Did you know that I own my own bowling shoes also? I also have my own ball and bag! We are like coolest things since sliced bread!!! Next time you head up this way or I go down that way we will have to get together and show off our skills!!! ( I was a sub on a league for awhile before the kids were born.)
The glow in the dark shoes will be super fun when you go cosmic bowling. Trust me!
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