My sister Jo's 30th birthday party last summer...ahh those were the (skinny) days.

I decided I wanted to take advantage of my maternity leave and take Tyson back to Minnesota to visit Grandma and Grandpa Svaren with another side trip back to Fargo for his cousin Brianna's birthdayt party. It was an interesting drive since I was by myself with him for a good portion...Jason had to work, but we made it in one piece. Since I am at my parents house, I can't upload pictures so I raided their stash. Here is a shot of my sisters and I want to add a disclaimer about my shirt. My oldest sister Julie was originally wearing that ruffled monstrosity (sp?) but convinced me at the last minute that it would look better on me...I was so eager to please my big sister I agreed. I think we can all agree that the end result was less than desirable, especially whe paired with my high waisted pants and super cool haircut.

This was last fall during our annual family lefse making marathon.
Oh Jackee, at least you had hair. Look at my terrible 'poof' do. That shirt look good on you at the time. It made you look like you had boobs! Well, at least it didn't hide the fact that you didn't have boobs! ;-) I can't believe how straight all of your hair is without a straightener!!! My hair has NEVER been that straight!!! Lucky girls!
I just realized Peppy was in that pic. Oh, I miss him soooo much! What a little cutie! He just blends right in, doesn't he?
Jackee- this is so much how I remember you:)
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