We are headed back to SoDak (that's South Dakota for all of you non-residents) this weekend to Jason's hometown of Pollock, SD which consists of 300 people...8 of whom he graduated high school with. (yep, 9 people in his entire class, you did the math right). His mom is getting re-married and we are all in the wedding. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about squishing myself into a bridesmaid dress 3 months after having a baby and standing next to my very thin 15 year old sister in law....oh well. It should be a really fun time. My parents are also making the trek and they've agreed to take Tyson for the night of the wedding so that means an entire night of uninterrupted sleep!!! I may even have a beer or two (which is pretty much a requirement just to enter South Dakota I think). Come to think of it, I might have to start drinking along the way as making an 11 hour drive with an infant sounds less than appealing. Anyway, I will be without access to a computer probably until tuesday so no more posts until I get back. Hope everyone has a fantastic Labor Day weekend!
Jackee-that is just to funny of a picture..weren't we all to cool!! Have fun this weekend, you will be surprised at how refreshed you will feel after only 1 night of sleep, trust me, you will want more but we take what we can get!!
Hey buddy!! Love the photo of you! I have the scars to prove the teeth too!!! Hahaha... Those days were great.. Where did they go? I love the photos you posted of Tyson. He is so adorable!!! How is trip to SoDak going? Still no baby here. Just waiting and waiting:) Well let me know how the trip goes! Talk to you soon!
Love the pic. Man, I always thought you were cute, buck teeth included. Sadly, I more than likely posed you for that picture.
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