Tyson's hair always looks like a baby chicks after his bath

My sister Jenny holding Tyson and her youngest son Teagen. Teag is almost two and seems to think babies are pretty neat.

Tate and Teagen checking out their new cousin...I think Tyson was checking them out as well.
Everyone looks so good! Have you already lost all your baby weight? Wow! Tate and Teag have gotten old! The boys all look so cute! I wish I could be there with everyone. Hope you are all having fun!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying about you and thinking about you Jackee!!!! Take care!
I know what you are going through about the sleep thing...Taya felt the same way about it and not to take away the hope but I had to suffer until she was 7 1/2 months before she even slept through the night for the first time...oh well when you get to the second one, it seems like a breeze cuz you are so used to it:) Kya has always slept well and still does...so there is hope...for the second one anyways. Looks like you guys are doing well though and if you need anything let me know...hey, I need your address too so I can mail you something...e-mail me.
Hey Jackee! Now that the other side is there time for some new pics and some new updates to the blog! We are waiting!!! :-)
Oh. Everyone looks so cute! Is your house a complete zoo with all the little boys around?
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