This is one of my favorite pictures.

Tyson Russell Haak 7lb 2oz 20 inches long. Russell is after Jason's dad who passed away in 2000.

Jason is a very proud papa.

When I finally got to hold him. I was still completely stunned at the days events.

Tyson's first bath.

Here's how the day went. I woke up around 2am with contractions but was convinced it was false labor so I walked around the house and packed my bag just in case. When Jason woke up that morning my contractions were getting closer together but were tolerable so we decided to go to my regularly scheduled doctors appointment at 11:15 instead of the hospital. By the time my appointment rolled around, things were picking up and I was already 5 cm dilated. Off to the hospital we went. I was admitted at around 12:30 and Tyson was born at 3:36pm...nice and quick. Unfortunately, that meant too quick for any pain medicines to work but all in all, I wouldn't change anything about the experience.
I'm the first?? Wow...I really must have more time on my hands than most :) Jackee and Jason...I am so proud of both of you! Tyson is a beautiful lil guy!! Love him to bits, they grow so fast!! :) I look forward to being "updated" via this snazzy blog! You kids and all of your new fangled technology!! hahaha
`jackee, he is beautiful. Congratulations!
Happy First Father's Day Jason, you look like a natural. Her is a tip for the sleeping. Pick a bedtime that Tyson likes, say 9 pm. For two hours leading up to it no deep sleeping. Unswaddle, move his limbs, keep his eyes fluttering. A little before nine give bath, bottle and you should get a 4 hour sleep. Elisha
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