Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I only take the pictures...

So I recently either sold or packed away all things military since I no longer need any of it. Tyson found one of my hats and thought it was the neatest toy ever. Ironic since trying to get him to wear his winter hat begins with a rousing chase throughout the house and usually ends with a wrestling match and at least one person throwing a tantrum. Anyway, this hat is now one of his favorite accessories. 
*Disclaimer* I did NOT put him up to any of this I swear. I only take the pictures.

Word brutha...

Happy Veteran's Day everyone!!!

*another disclaimer-again-I didn't put him up to this. He comes up with this crap all on his own....even the tiny salute. That is all him. 


Jo said...

Nice timing. The photos remind of Courtney wearing your beret around. Happy vets day, Jackson!

Anonymous said...

Bright kid! Love it! Happy Veterans Day to my favorite Vet of all! Love you!!!!! XOXOXOXOXO!!!!