Tuesday, December 16, 2008

odds and ends...

Here are a few pictures that I just couldn't resist posting. Tyson seems to suffer from a case of eczema...no surprise to anyone who knows me. After every bath we have been ordered to use hydrocortisone cream on the really bad parts and then slather vaseline all over the rest of him. Even though this makes for a very slimy baby, it did provide a great naked baby photo opportunity.
I am loading my "embarrassing pictures" arsenal now for the day when I meet Tyson's first girlfriend:)
Tyson has also become much more playful these days...
but mess with his pacifier and you are on the business end of a hissy fit.
and last on this random entry is the sleepsack picture. Since parents are supposed to leave the crib completely free of anything that could lead to suffocation (stuffed animals, blankets etc), some smart person (that lived somewhere cold I'm guessing) invented the sleepsack. It's basically a wearable blanket and in addition to the anti-SIDS factor, it's handy because the baby can move around without having the motor skills to take the blanket with him. Anyway, the point of this picture was that I obviously bought a size too large...this thing could fit me as a minidress. Oh well...it doesn't seem to bother him too much and he looks pretty cute. It seems my little man is really getting the hang of smiling for pictures...and here everyone thought my incessant picture taking was pointless.


Carmen said...

Such a cutie! Glad to see you are using a sleepsack! So much safer than a loose blanket that is for certain! We have found the ones from Halo are the BEST! and lucky us, we didn't have get them on the website (halosleep.com) but found them on Amazon too - and now we are using the ones that have holes for the little feet to come through! So smart!

Kari Kackman said...

Tyson has eczema? I can't believe it!! :) I have many pictures of McKena as a greasy lil baby as well...She still has horribly dry skin, so I slather her in lotion every chance I get!! And I too am waiting for the day in which I get to break out the arsenal of baby pictures!! Funzies! he is too cute :)