Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Scenes of summer

Our summer is flying by with a flurry of activities along with the joy of just hanging out outside (when it's not 100 degrees anyway). I know I will have many more things to post and talk about but for now, here's a few images of what we've been up to lately.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

25 weeks

So here's the belly at 25 + weeks. I opted to crop my head out of the picture as taking a self portrait while maintaining a less than ridiculous face proved to be too much of a challenge. Other than some mildly uncomfortable reflux and some varicose veins that would make my grandma proud, it's been a pretty good couple of months. I haven't horked up my lunch in weeks and am probably at the most energetic part of the pregnancy. I still (and always will) think I should be able to do way more than I can actually accomplish but I really can't complain. Also, Tyson has finally stopped telling people there's a dinosaur in my belly. Cheers.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Still living in the land of dinosaurs...

Jason's mom, step-dad and sister traveled all the way from South Dakota last week. In addition to completing almost all of our 'before baby to-do list' in the house (painting walls, stripping the deck, some serious deep cleaning etc), we also made the 100 mile trek to Chicago for a day. Our first stop was the Field Museum which housed a very impressive dinosaur exhibit. You can imagine what kind of reaction we got from our dinosaur obsessed child.

Even being chased by a flying Pteranodon didn't deter him from plugging along.
Meeting T-rex Sue was the best part of the whole day...and other than a brief attempt at stealing Sue's tooth from an elderly museum employee, all went pretty well.
After wearing ourselves out at the museum, we headed to the Shedd Aquarium.
Of course, nothing truly lives up to a full sized t-rex (or your grandparents and aunt buying all kinds of fun at the dinosaur gift shop) but there was some pretty neat stuff there as well.

Best parts of the day= spending a really fun day with family.
=going to places I've never been (always up for new stuff!)
=watching the person I love most in the world have the best day in the world.