When I was pregnant with Tyson, we opted out of finding out if there was a he or a she growing in my belly. Coming from a family of 4 girls, I had totally prepared myself for the hormone crazy, teen angsty, fluffy dress loving girl. We were (happily) surprised with a sweet boy and all my preparations went out the window. Turns out I should have been preparing for a little man who's face is never clean no matter what...
and who regularly turns my living room into a parking lot...
someone who always makes my house look like this..
and thinks Mr. Potato Head accessories are a great disguise
and who is never far behind his daddy...
especially when tools are involved.
I also wasn't prepared for loving (almost) every minute of it.
(*Disclaimer. Jason was right there the whole time. We do not in fact let our kid play with actual power tools. )