There was a time when I was afraid of toddlers. Nay, terrified would be a better word. To me, they appeared full of endless energy (true), void of reason (sometimes true) and really great at finding trouble (usually true). Oh yeah, and they are kind of loud too.
Now I have a toddler. I won't sugar coat it. It can be exhausting chasing a naked (un-potty trained) kid through the house while trying to explain that his super hero jammies are dirty so the monkey pj's will have to do. It's also a complete riot watching them develop their own personalities complete with quirks and idiosyncrasies.
This particular day Tyson was developing an interest in trying to put on Jason's sandals.
When he finally got them on, he stood straight up, looked me in the eye and said proudly: "daddy's shoes. I cute!"
Some other little gems he has blessed us with are his frequent attempts at showing off some new skill while yelling "ta-ya!" (which, when translated means ta-da).
Or who can forget the day I was getting ready when Tyson said, "mama, you have cute shirt and pants on." I don't know if Jason had coached him in my absence but who cares. The sooner my little nugget learns how to compliment a woman, the easier his life will become:)
Luckily these moments happen daily and are always good for a laugh. Because no matter how challenging parenting is, the "love you mama's" make everything better. The universe knew this cuteness was crucial to the design of toddlers. Otherwise there might have been a whole lot of only children out there.