I am girl number 4 in my family lineup so by the time I came along, my dad was a seasoned pro.

My dad has done a great many things in his life. He has spent many years as an educator, coach and administrator but has also done everything from farm work to cement work. Because of him, I learned that I am not too good for any job.
I learned all kinds of other things as well. For example, in his infinite wisdom my dad taught me that it is better to be pissed off than pissed on. A statement that my sister Jo learned firsthand during an unfortunate incident when we were in Italy.
I learned the importance of education.
I learned that girls can do anything.
I learned that there is no replacement for hard work.
I learned that you can in fact, get pulled over for speeding while driving a school bus.
I learned the value of reverse psychology through burnt potato chips. (ps-dad, we all still love the burnt chips).
I learned never to say "I wish..." in front of him so as to prompt the old "wish in one hand, sh#* in the other to see which one fills up" saying.
I learned that a father's love for his girls is unconditional...even when they all have poodle perms and braces.

I am lucky enough that my dad is still around to keep teaching me things. And to teach my son things.

Love you dad.