So because I am lucky enough to only work part time, Tyson here goes to daycare about 2 days a week or stays home with Jason when I am working a weekend. Now the nice people at daycare give me a written report of how the day went but I often wonder what goes on during those boys only weekends. Apparently Jason takes just as many pictures as I do because these are all from him. I don't discourage it because it can be a nice journal of the days events. I don't know what Jason is doing to make Tyson smile so big but honestly I'm distracted by his giant, still bald head.
They must have played a rousing game of peek-a-boo.
and perhaps a game of dress-up (Jason mistakenly put on a 3-6 month sleeper and couldn't even button it. We've been out of that size for quite sometime. I guess I didn't clean his drawers out very well).
With a photo shoot to end the day.
I think he's practicing poses for his senior portraits.